Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, sometimes referred to as a  “boob job” by patients, involves using breast implants or fat transfer to increase the size of your breasts. Breast augmentation is one of the most common performed plastic surgical procedure. Women may choose to undergo breast enlargement surgery for various reasons. These personal reasons may center around breasts that are perceived  to be under developed, or because of differences in the sizes of the breasts or from changes after pregnancy or breast feeding. Some women may be happy with their breasts but just want them made fuller. Often after weight loss, aging or childbirth a woman’s breast volume and shape may change. This too can lead to a woman to seek a breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation is clinically referred to as augmentation mammaplasty

Breast augmentation can:

  • Increase fullness and projection of your breasts
  • Improve the balance of your figure
  • Enhance your self-image and self-confidence

What happens during breast enlargement?

Breast enlargement usually takes between one to two hours. Your surgeon will make small cut in the skin on your breast. The exact position of  the cuts can  vary. They may be in the crease under your breast, around your nipple or towards your armpit.

We will then make a space for the implant. The implant is either placed  under your breast tissue on top of your chest muscle or  under your chest muscle. Putting the implant reduces the chance that the edges of the implant will show, and may reduce the risk of a complication called capsular contracture.

Are silicone breast implants really safe?

There is no evidence that silicone breast implants cause or predispose to breast cancer, autoimmune disease nor any other disease. As far as current medical research is concerned, silicone breast implants are considered safe.

When can I go back to work and what activities can/can't I do immediately after breast enlargement surgery?

If  your job does not entail physical activity e.g. heavy lifting, an early return back to work can be anticipated within a few days after your breast enlargement operation (breast augmentation or boob job).  Most of them are able to join the office in 5-7 days. But,  if your job entails heavy physical work, then 4-6 weeks should be taken off work before going back after your breast enlargement operation. Initially you will have a dressing over the incision lines in the crease under the breasts, which should be kept clean and dry until the stitches are removed after 7 days

What Breast Augmentation surgery won’t do?

Breast augmentation does not correct severely drooping breasts. If you want your breasts to look fuller and to be lifted due to sagging, a Breast Lift may be required in conjuction with the breast augmentation. We will assist you in making this decision during consultation.

What are the risks involved in surgery?

Fortunately, serious risks of breast reduction surgeries are rare and the satisfaction rate with these procedures is high.

Possible breast augmentation surgery risks include anaesthetic risks, bleeding, infection. Scarring, changes in breast sensation, seroma, capsular contracture, asymmetry etc. We will discuss all these in details during consultation.