
Liposuction is the miracle of the medical science which has turned the long awaited dreams of men and women into reality.

During liposuction, fat is removed from the body with help of suction by using blunt-tipped tubes (cannulas) which are inserted into the problem area through tiny cuts in the skin. Fat is suctioned out through these tubes as the surgeon moves the tubes around under the skin to target specific fat deposits with the help of vacuum device.

Liposuction is commonly used to remove stubborn, diet and exercise resistant fat deposits and to sculpt the body into a slimmer profile. Liposuction is ideal for oversized hips, buttocks, thighs, abdomen and love handles as well as fat deposits on arms, calves, Knees, above the breasts and under the chin.

Liposuction can be performed alone or along with other plastic surgery procedures, such as a facelift, breast reduction or a tummy tuck.

Is liposuction a good way to lose weight?

Liposuction is not a good method for weight loss. Not only is it less effective for people who are obese, but also the results would be less than ideal, and there are increased risks for the significantly overweight person. The best candidates are those who have attained their correct body weight, and yet still have one or more difficult areas which do not respond to further weight loss or exercise.

Because fat is lighter than water, a large volume of fat does not account for as much weight as one might think. But that would make a significant difference in contour and in measurements, yet the weight removed would be less.

When to Consider Liposuction

  • If you have localized areas of fat deposits that are disproportionate with the rest of your body.
  • If you would like more definition or a sleeker contour in certain areas of your body.

Will liposuction tighten up loose skin?

Liposuction does not accomplish very much skin tightening on its own. In fact, sometimes, removal of the underlying fat can even make loose skin more apparent. If loose skin is already a problem, liposuction may not be the best solution for the person. In these cases, we may consider a   lift along with the liposuction to give a good contour. We will help you in taking this decision during consultation.

What areas of the body can be treated with liposuction?

Almost all areas where there is excess fat can be treated with liposuction i.e

  • Face (to assist in facelifts and to define jaw line)
  • goose neck or double chin
  • upper arms
  • breasts (men and women),
  • abdomen (upper and lower),
  • flanks (love handles), hips,
  • thighs (inner and outer), knees, calves and ankles.

How long it does it take to recover?

Depending upon the amount of liposuction done and your comfort level, you will be discharged either in the evening or next day morning.  After the procedure, you’d be fitted with an elasticated support corset or compression bandages. It is not noticeable under clothing. This helps to reduce swelling and bruising, and should be worn constantly for several weeks after the operation.

You may need to take antibiotics straight after the procedure to reduce the risk of infection. If a small area was treated, you may be able to return to work within a few days.

It usually takes about two weeks to make a full recovery.

What will my liposuction scars be like?

Because liposuction incisions are small, the scars are also small.  The  incisions are very small and placed in hidden areas. Most liposuction scars fade and are barely perceptible over time.

How Long Will the Results Last?

The results of liposuction surgery are technically permanent because fat cells have been removed. However, your body shape and contours might be affected by weight gain, aging, pregnancy, family genes and lifestyle factors.

It is crucial to maintain healthy habits and a stable weight to maintain liposuction results. Following liposuction, if you continue to eat excess calories, fat will no longer be stored in the cells that have been removed, but will be stored in other body areas.

There is no way to predict where your body will store new fat. What’s more, your surgeon will not remove all of the fat cells from your target area, so you could still increase the size of remaining fat cells in that area.