Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia is a medical term meaning male breast enlargement. In the majority of cases there is no known cause and, although rarely talked about, it is a common condition. The condition can be the result of hormonal changes, heredity, obesity, or the use of certain drugs.

Gynecomastia can cause emotional discomfort and impair the  self confidence. Some men may even avoid certain physical activities and intimacy simply to hide their condition. They may avoid wearing tight fiitiing clothes, swimming and changing in front of others.

For men who feel self-conscious about their appearance, breast-reduction surgery can be helpful. 

How the surgery is performed?

The breast is made up of two main components, glandular tissue (firm and dense) and fatty tissue (soft). The ratio of glandular to fatty tissue in any breast varies from individual to individual and in gynaecomastia there may be an excess of both. If there is predominantly a diffuse fatty enlargement of the breast, liposuction is the usual treatment. This involves sucking out the tissue through a small tube inserted via a 3-4mm incision. If excess glandular tissue is the primary cause of breast enlargement, it may need to be excised (cut out) with a scalpel. This is done by taking incision around the areola.  This excision can be performed alone or in conjunction with liposuction.

Male breast reduction is bone by liposuction which doesn’t leave any obvious scar on the chest. The procedure for treating gynecomastia with liposuction is typically performed using local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, and involves a small incision on each side of the chest. Depending on your needs and your cosmetic surgeon’s preferred technique, incisions may be located along a portion of the edge of the areola or within the armpit. Through these incisions, your cosmetic surgeon will remove excess fat and/or glandular tissue, at the same time sculpting a new chest contour that looks natural to your body.