Undereye Dark Circles

Yellow peel is an advanced chemical peel treatment for a variety of skin problems and is one of our popular treatments at our Reborn Clinic. Yellow peel is effective at reversing hyperpigmentation caused by scars, photo-ageing, or exposure to the sun.  It can also treat melasma, acne, and stretch marks. 

Dark circle also known as periorbital dark circle are dark blemishes around the eyes.

A person with dark circles under his/her eyes looks more aged and exhausted.

Both men and women can develop dark circles under the eyes.

Most often developed in adulthood, even children seem to be affected by it.


  • Edema around eyes.
  • Loosening of skin.
  • Excess presence of black pigments of skin (melanin).
  • Eczema/atopic dermatitis.
  • Thinning of skin and loss of collagen/fat.
  • Puffy looking or swollen eyes/eyelids because of the excess fluid generally cause shadows which make under eye areas look darker.

Risk factors for developing dark circles

  • Heredity/ genetics
  • Sun exposure
  • Excess or lack of sleep.
  • Skin allergies.
  • Sinus/Nasal congestion.
  • Insufficient blood circulation.
  • Personal habits like
    • Alcohol
    • Smoking
    • Excess caffeine intake

Dark circles are not just surface skin color they are round under-eye areas with darker pigmentation.

These are more due to volume loss in under-eyes areas creating hollows that look dark in color.

Treatment options

With proper diagnosis and treatment of causes dark circles under the eyes can be reduced.

Medications, topical creams and procedures all can help in eliminating dark circles.

Various Procedures for dark circles

One or a combination of following procedures can help

  • Chemical peels
  • PRP injections for undereye rejuvenation
  • Intense pulse light treatment
  • Lasers for treating the dermal melanocytes like Q switched ND Yag laser.
  • Injecting dermal fillers for undereye hollowness
  • Mesodermal injections.
  • Mesobotox injections.

Topical creams

  • Mild exfoliating creams with glycolic acid, lactic acid
  • Moisturizers containing hyaluronate
  • Sunscreen
  • Creams with antioxidant vitamins like vitamin A, B-complex, C, and K with beta carotene.
  • Skin lightening/bleaching creams with kojic acid etc
  • Creams with botanical extract(plant derived)safe and meant for sensitive areas like under eyes.

DIYS for dark circles

  • Get adequate sleep – too less or too much sleep – both can cause dark circles.
  • Remove make-up, especially eye makeup, before you sleep with a mild alcohol free cleanser or preferable with micellar water.
  • Use Sunscreen regularly and sufficiently
  • Use cold objects like cold teabags on your eyes to reduce dilated capillaries
  • Do not rub your eyes excessively ,as the skin below the eye is delicate and underlying a bone so can cause  skin thickening and darkening.
  • Always protect eyes with big-size dark glasses
  • Camouflagingwith cosmetics – use concealers to cover up and reduce dark circles. As they are thicker than normal foundation, they are more effective in concealing dark circles.
  • Avoid smoking and reduce alcohol and caffeine intake.
  • Keep your skin hydrated and supple by drinking ten to twelve glasses of water.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables; an anti-oxidant rich diet.
  • Use moisturizers regularly to keep skin supple.
  • Manage physical or mental stress issues with proper counseling.