Melasma is a common chronic skin condition, resulting in symmetrical, blotchy, brownish facial pigmentation.
Usually appears on a face – cheeks, forehead, bridge of a nose, above the upper lip, chin; and on other parts of the body exposed to the sun, like neck and forearms.
Can affect both men and women, more common in women aged 20-50 years.
The pigmentation in melasma is due to overproduction of melanin (i.e. the colour pigment), by the pigment cells of the skin called melanocytes. That is why people who tan easily or have naturally brown skin are more prone to melasma because they have more active melanocytes compared to people with lighter skin.
Common causes
- Excessive sun exposure
- Hormonal imbalance
- Pregnancy
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Thyroid disorder
- Stress
- Genetic
- Idiopathic
Pigment can be in the superficial layer epidermis or deep dermis
Depending on the depth and cause, it can be treated with
- Oral & Topical Medications
- Sunscreen
- Superficial & medium depth Chemical peels
- Laser treatments
- Nutritional supplements