Numerous instances of cartilage and soft tissue ear infection have been reported when ears have been pierced in non-medical settings. It can cause perichondritis, an infection of the outer ear that may require hospitalization.
To minimize the risks, always go to a professional ear piercer in a clean environment.
Medical ear piercing is performed with single-use instruments that come out of sterile packaging, as well as hypoallergenic earrings.
This helps reduce the risk of infection.
Medical ear piercing, just as it sounds, is done in a clinical setting.
Can be done at any site- earlobe, ear helix, nose, eyebrow, umbilicus etc.
There are many benefits to medical ear piercing, including the reduced risk of allergic reaction and infection.
Also, medical ear piercings are done by professionals who have received extensive training in anatomy.
Having ears pierced by a licensed healthcare professional can also help treat certain conditions or prevent some conditions like keloid etc.
The procedure is done under local anaesthesia and is totally painless and quick.
So, why to bear pain and risk when you have the best painless way to get your piercings.