Vitiligo Surgeries

Vitiligo is also known as ‘Leucoderma’ in India, it is considered as a social stigma.

Vitiligo is the appearance of single or multiple depigmented patches on any part of the body. These patches gradually increase in size & cause lot of psychological stress in the patient.

It is an auto-immune condition and may have a genetic predisposition.

Treatment of vitiligo usually takes a long time. Medical treatment helps arrest the spread of depigmentation and in some cases, may bring back the pigmentation.

In the majority of cases, light therapy is helpful in treating vitiligo, in getting repigmentation. However, repigmentation in cases of ‘stable vitiligo can be achieved by various dermatological techniques.

Phototherapy includes treatment with UVA (Ultraviolet A) or UVB (Ultraviolet B) radiations. UVA therapy enhances skin re-pigmentation. An oral psoralen compound is given to the patient. Two hours later, the de-pigmented patch on his body is exposed to ultraviolet-A (UVA) rays, for a fixed time duration. This should be supervised by a medical personnel.

Treatment with UVB rays is another option. Targeted phototherapy- when vitiligo patch is restricted to particular part of the body and stable then we can give this.

Treatment Modalities :

  • To stop progression of disease- oral steroids or other immunosuppresents or immunomodulators
  • Topical steroids or tacrolimus/ pimecrolimus
  • Narrow Band UVB Phototherapy
  • PUVA sol– Ultraviolet – ‘A’ Light With Psoralen Tablet
  • Excimer laser
  • Vitiligo surgeries–
  • Miniature Punch Grafting
  • Suction Blister Grafting
  • Non-Culture Melanocyte Transfer