Mole, Wart, Skintag Removal


A mole (nevus) is a pigmented (colored) spot on the outer layer of the skin (epidermis). Moles can be round, oval, flat, or raised.

They can occur singly or in clusters on any part of the body. Most moles are brown, but colors can range from pinkish flesh tones to yellow, dark blue, or black.

Most moles are benign (not cancerous), but atypical moles (dysplastic nevi) may develop into malignant melanoma, a potentially fatal form of skin cancer. Atypical moles are usually hereditary and need dermoscopic examination and sometimes biopsy.The cause of moles is unknown, although atypical moles seem to run in families and result from exposure to sunlight. A

Mole should be evaluated by a dermatologist.

Treatment options

  • Excision
  • Radiofrequency ablation Co2
  • laser


Wart removal is a process of removing the wart tissue from the surface of the skin.

Warts are usually  viral infections. They have varied presentation on the skin.

They are usually contagious and can spread to other parts of the body and to other people who are in regular close proximity.

Once they appear, it is best to remove them by any of the methods described below depending on the location and other factors.


  • Chemical cauterisation 

Chemical cautery is a technique of applying caustic chemicals such as trichloroacetic acid (TCA), or salicylic acid or podowart to remove the wart.

 The chemicals are used at various strengths depending on the type and site of the lesions and it can be done in multiple sittings. 

 Patient is informed that a crust will be formed which will fall off and to apply antibiotic cream twice a day for 4 – 5 days.

  • Immunotherapy

This method uses the patient’s own immune system to fight against the wart. Indicated for Resistant warts, Warts not responding to other treatment and Recurrent warts

  • Radio Frequency

Removing wart with radiofrequency ablation is the most efficient and newer method to remove wart from the skin or mucous tissue.

After local anesthesia, radio waves are used to go over the surface of the wart, which makes it evaporate. Curettage is needed only on the hands and feet after the radio waves in order to be sure that the root of the wart is removed.

Patient goes home with a dressing and it will heal in 6 – 7 days. 

  • Surgical excision of wart tissue and suturing

After local anesthesia, all the viral / wart tissue is removed with the help of surgical blade and then either it is sutured or left open to heal by secondary intention. It takes 5-7 days for complete healing. Chances of reoccurrence with this method are least.


A skin tag is a small flap of tissue that hangs off the skin by a connecting stalk. Skin tags are not harmful.

They are usually found on the neck, chest, back, armpits, under the breasts, or in the groin area.

Skin tags appear most often in 

  • Obese
  • Genetic tendency
  • Diabetic
  • Women more than men

Skin tags usually don’t cause any pain. However, they can become irritated if anything, such as clothing or jewellery, rubs them and may get irritated.

How Are Skin Tags Treated?

Our dermatologist can remove a skin tag by Radiofrequency ablation