CAUSES of elongated earlobe holes, or a split earlobe includes
- Heavy earrings worn over long periods of time
- Earrings getting caught and then pulled (typically long earrings snagging a dress or other clothing)
- Children pulling on earrings
- Multiple piercings too close together or too close to the bottom of the lobe
- Sudden trauma
- Like any other procedure, our dermatologist will be asking about the patient’s goal, and then looking at the hole to determine the size and condition of the hole, along with the anatomy of the surrounding tissue.
- Some earlobes just need closure. Some need a more complex rotation of tissue.
- Usually, both earlobes can be done at the same visit.
- OPD Procedure, done under local anesthesia, in the clinic
- The earlobe is cleaned and anesthetized. The excess skin is removed. Tissue may be rotated depending on the individual issue. The wound is then closed in layers, to take tension off the outer part of the incision. There is usually a fine scar when all healed.
Most patients return to work the next day, often the same day.
Permanent sutures or absorbable sutures may be used for skin closure, depending on the individual case.
Usually done at least 3mm from the old piercing site and preferable after 6 weeks