Fat transfer breast augmentation or lipofilling essentially uses liposuction to take fat from other parts of your body and inject it into your breasts. This is a breast augmentation option for women who are looking for a relatively small increase in breast size and would prefer natural results.
In this procedure, Fat harvested by liposuction is centrifuged and fat cells separated. These fat cells are injected into breasts under the skin but not into the breast tissue to increase the volume. The main benefits are that autologous tissue( body’s own tissue) is used for augmentation and it doesn’t doesn’t leave any scar on the breast. Since the implant is not used, so all implant related complications are not there to increase the volume.
However, this technique is not for every patient. It is best suited to those who wants to increase bra size by one cup size and for those who requires increased fullness in the upper pole of the breast, and after ‘conservative’ breast cancer surgery.
One of the major potential problems remains the possibility of changes on mammogram. Patients who undergo this type of treatment must have been screened by mammogram and ultrasound before surgery. Fat transfer breast augmentation risks include:
- Cysts
- Infection
- Microcalcification
- Necrosis (death) of fat cells
- Fat Absorption
- Needs multiple stages due to fat absorption to get desired results.