
When the yellowish cholesterol-rich material gets deposited in various parts of a diseased body, xanthelasma is formed. These are lesions which contain deposits that are lipid or fat-rich.

These cutaneous manifestations of lipidosis, in which the lipids cluster within the skin, are associated with hyperlipidemias, both primary and secondary types.


Xanthelasma is commonly found on:

  • One or both upper eyelids, especially near the nose
  • One or both lower eyelids

The lesions appear as a yellow-to-orange patch or bump, ranging in size from 2–30 mm. Xanthelasma is flat-surfaced and has defined borders. Xanthelasma does not usually go away on its own and lesions tend to grow larger and increase in number.

There are several conditions and factors which could make you susceptible to xanthelasma, such as:

  • High levels of cholesterol or lipids in your blood; sometimes possible even with normal cholesterol levels
  • Middle-aged or older individuals; Ages 15-73 are highly susceptible, with a peak in the 4th and 5th decade
  • Female gender over male gender
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Chain smoking

If any of these conditions and factors pertain to you and you notice symptoms, visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Xanthelasma can help predict a risk of myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, severe atherosclerosis, and death in the general population, independent of well-known cardiovascular risk factors (e.g.  plasma cholesterol, triglyceride concentrations).

Treatment and Lifestyle Options

Xanthelasma does not go by itself requires medical attention and supervision. If left untreated, it will only spread further.

Cosmetic procedures to treat Xanthelasma –

  • Freezing with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy)
  • Surgical excision
  • Laser treatment
  • Trichloroacetic acid solution to dissolve xanthelasma lesions
  • Electric needle treatment (electrodesiccation)

The aforementioned treatments can cause mild scarring and do not prevent new lesions from developing.


  • A healthy balance of vegetables, salads, cereals, and fish
  • The minimization of saturated fats (found in meat, butter, other dairy produce, coconut oil, palm oil)
  • Minimised intake of simple and refined sugars (found in soft drinks and confectionery)
  • Reduction in calorie intake to lose weight if obese; regular exercise is advocated

It is extremely important that you identify and treat your condition accurately. Reborn clinic is equipped with safe and state of the art infrastructure to assist you accordingly and provide you with a top-notch treatment.