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Hair Transplant

Hair loss can significantly disturb self-image and make you concerned about how you are perceived by others. Hair loss in a younger person can contribute to an appearance of premature aging. One of the most common reasons for men and women to consider hair transplantation is to overcome what they perceive to be an age-inappropriate appearance. Studies have shown repeatedly that physical attractiveness tends to be rewarded in the workplace. The person who presents an attractive physical appearance has enhanced opportunities for advancement.

What causes hair loss?

The causes of hair loss in men vary widely, but androgenetic alopecia  – genetically inherited, male pattern baldness – is  most common  cause.  Male pattern hair loss are dependent on DHT (a form of testosterone, called dihydrotestosterone). Testosterone is converted to DHT by the enzyme, 5¤ -reductase. DHT appears to make the hair follicle deteriorate to the point where it can no longer produce normal hair. Some studies suggest that 30% of men will start experiencing Alopecia by age 30 and 60% of men will see hair loss by age 60. 

Why Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation is a surgical technique that moves the bald resistant hair foliicles from the back of the head to the bald area. This process works for a lifetime because the hair follicles taken from the back of head are genetically resistant to baldness, regardless of where they are relocated to.

What are different techniques of doing hair transplantation?

There are two way to obtain follicular units from the permanent donor area of the scalp

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):

In this method, a long, thin strip is removed from the donor area and subsequently dissected into follicular units under special microscopes. The donor area is closed with stitches, which leave a linear scar on the back of head.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

In this method, follicular units are removed one-by-one directly from the scalp by using fine punches, which may vary from 0.8mm to 1mm.

Once the follicular units are harvested, the subsequent steps are essentially the same in both FUT and FUE. Hundreds to thousands of sites (needle-sized holes) are made in the recipient area to plant the grafts. After the sites are made, the tiny follicular unit grafts are placed into them – a step that can take several hours or longer.

 Improvements in technology and technique have made follicular unit extraction (FUE) a procedure more popular than  strip harvesting(FUT) for obtaining donor hair. FUE is stitchless procedure in which there is no linear scarring as compare to FUT.

Answer: Hair transplantation is really about relocating (transplanting) the bald resistant hair follicles from the back of the head to the balding areas on the top of the head. This process works for a lifetime because the hair follicles taken from the back of the head are genetically resistant to baldness, regardless of where they are relocated to.

Answer: Hair transplantation, when done right, can be so natural that even your hair stylist will not know that you’ve had it done. But the skill and techniques of hair transplant surgeons does vary widely, as do their results. It’s important to choose the right procedure and clinic to assure that you will get completely natural results.

Answer: A typical session of between 1,500 to 3,000 grafts normally involves a 4-8hrs of surgery on an out patient basis. Most patients will arrive in the morning and will have their procedure completed by late afternoon or by evening depending on the number of grafts.

Answer: Patients are given local anesthesia in the donor and  the recipient areas. Most patients find that once the anesthesia is given that they feel no pain or discomfort during the surgery. Following surgery patients may  feel some amount of soreness and numbness, with some mild discomfort. Most patients are pleasantly surprised by how minimal the discomfort from the surgical procedure is.

Answer: The amount of grafts you will need ultimately depends on your degree of hair loss, now and in the future, and on how full you desire your hair to be.

Answer: With today’s very refined micro hair transplantation procedure the punches are very small and less invasive than past procedures. This results in more rapid healing. Most patients feel fine within a day or two following surgery. The donor area heals in 48 hours. Because of the scabs for although some numbness and mild soreness can be expected for several days following surgery.

Answer: Normally it takes between three to five months following surgery before the transplanted hair follicles begin to grow new hair. The transplanted hair grows in very thin initially and gradually grows thicker and fuller over time. Most of the patients are happy at the end of five months but improvement occurs till one year.

Answer: Since the hair follicles that are transplanted to the balding areas are genetically resistant to going bald, they will continue to grow for a life  – just as if they had been left in the bald resistant donor area.