Pigment Reduction

Dark patches on your skin can be the result of a melanin disorder.

Melanin is the pigment that is responsible for the color of your skin, and when it is produced in excess, the skin becomes darker.

Melasma is the commonest pigmentation disorder on face. There are varied patterns of dark patches on the face in different shades of brown or a brownish-black color. 

Excessive exposure to the sun, pregnancy, or some hormonal change can cause skin pigmentation.

Different types of treatments

There are multiple pigmentation treatment options available, which can be used depending your condition and needs. 

Oral medicines

Anti-oxidant tablets AND ORAL SUNSCREENS :

  1. Oxidation has been noted to alleviate melasma. Hence, for some patients, anti-oxidant tablets can be helpful to fight skin pigmentation. Oral sunscreen pills, which contain antioxidants like polypodium leucotomos, can help protect your skin against harmful UV rays. However, oral sunscreen is effective only when used alongside topical sunscreen lotions or creams. The two most effective medicines are oral glutathione and oral vitamin C.
  2. Oral tranexamic acid and pine bark extracts also work wonderfully in treating melasma.

Topical Medicines :

Sunscreens – Melasma or skin pigmentation is often caused by sun exposure. Invest in a really good quality sunscreen, which protects the skin from UVA and UV B. Use it regularly and in an ample amount. There are several options, such as gel-based, foam-based, matt-based, and compact-based sunscreens available in the market, along with sunscreen sprays. So, you should choose a sunscreen, which suits your skin type.

Lightening creams

  • Skin lightening creams can work as effective pigmentation treatments to reduce dark patches and improve skin tone.
  • Lightening creams can contain hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin C, Mandelic Acid, Glycolic Acid, Ferulic Acid, Kojic Acid, and Azelaic Acid.
  • Should always be used after dermatologists advise.
  • Retinoids are derived from Vitamin A, and help in decreasing skin pigmentation by increasing skin exfoliation. Retinoids work better when combined with other drugs like Hydroxycholoroqunine and Azelaic Acid or Peptides.


Procedures for pigmentation

1. Chemical peels :

  • Light and medium chemical peels are used to exfoliate dead skin cells to resurface a healthier, brighter, and smoother layer of skin.
  • The chemical agents used in these peels are applied on the targeted area to lighten darkened spots. The new skin layer will have reduced pigmentation and help you appear younger.
  • At Reborn clinic we mostly use  glycolic acid, lactic acid, mandelic acid, ferulic acid, tranexamic acid peel, phenol based, trichloroacetic acid, yellow peel, azelaic peel, and black peel.
  • Always get the procedure done in a dermatologist’s clinic .
  • Avoid home use peels, can cause burns without supervision by an expert.

2. Photofacial/ IPL :

IPL, or Intense Pulse Light therapy, uses non-ablative lasers to treat the affected areas. It improves collagen production, which leads to fast healing of your skin. Apart from curing pigmentation, the procedure also treats enlarged pores and wrinkles

3. Microdermabrasion :

Microdermabrasion is an effective method of treating skin pigmentation. To perform this procedure, a handheld medical device with an abrasive attachment or wire brush is used to gently remove the epidermis. However, the procedure is always combined with other treatments like peels, facials, or lasers.

4. Mesotherapy and Microneedling:

Mesotherapy uses vitamins, hormones, enzymes, and plant extract injections to rejuvenate your skin. The ingredients are injected into different depths of the skin to treat the condition. Can be done with dermapen. Tranexamic acid mesotherapy and PRP mesotherapy have great results.

5. Medi-Facials :

Medi-facials are medical grade facials, often used to treat skin pigmentation as they have the ability to go deep into your skin and improve skin quality and health. Medi-facials moisturize your skin and make it soft. You regain a fresher look with brighter, spotless skin.

6. Q Switched Laser :

The laser peel method uses laser wavelength to target the areas on your skin with high pigment concentration. The heat energy generated from the laser destroys the affected skin cells to reduce the dark spots effectively. Q-switched laser machine to penetrate the skin with laser light for depigmentation.

Right procedure is chosen depending on your skin tone and after a thorough assessment of your medical condition .


  • Blemishes/ melasma
  • Tanning
  • Freckles/ lentigenes
  • Medical conditions due to increased pigmentation like LPP
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Age spots etc.

Self-care TIPS

  • Must apply sunscreen regularly, ample amount and repeat every 3 hourly.
  • You should also wear sunglasses and a hat with wide brim.
  • Regular follow ups with dermatologist

While this condition is not harmful, the resulting dark spots can mar your natural appearance. However, there is no reason to worry about this.

Our dermatologist can help you diagnose the cause and help you get rid of pigmentation.